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We want to be able to answer your questions quickly and efficiently, so have compiled info pages and answers to our most frequently asked questions  - if you think there are any questions/answers missing, please let us know.

Use the search function in the menu bar or at the top of the FAQ stack if you are looking for something specific.

  • Access to the yard/field isn’t good, is that a problem?
    We can request a smaller delivery vehicle and do our best to ensure that one is available.
  • Will they deliver into my field?
    Nope, not a chance. Not even in high summer when the ground feels like concrete to you. Please don’t ask the drivers to, they won’t do it and it’s more than their jobs are worth to get a lorry stuck. Also, they are not insured to do so. They will drop off on the kerbside, or possibly in the gateway if there is a hardstanding area of concrete or tarmac.
  • Why can’t they deliver onto grass/mud/gravel/hardcore?
    The small solid wheels of the hand operated Electric Pallet Trolley they use to trundle the pallets around won’t roll on uneven or soft ground, especially with a tonne of slabs on a pallet. In this video, you can see that whilst the trolley does most of the work, all of the weight is being put on the small, hard wheels. Please note how little clearance there is beneath the trolley. Whilst our yard is gravel, you can see that we have used Mudcontrol slabs to create a solid, hard surface to facilitate delivery.
  • Do I need a machine there to unload?
    No, the driver can unload off the lorry’s tail lift, as long as there is smooth hard tarmac or concrete to unload onto.
  • I don’t live where I want the slabs delivered, and I don’t want to wait around all day, can I book a time for the delivery?
    You can request an AM or PM delivery at £15+VAT, but please be aware that at times local depots fail to adhere to these requests, causing, annoyance for all involved. Should your requested delivery time not be fulfilled, you will get a refund of the £15+VAT addition.
  • I want the slabs putting in a specific space that the lorry can’t get to, can you do that?
    If you want to book a special delivery on a lorry with its own Moffatt forklift, we can do that, but there is a significant extra charge from the haulage network if there is one available.
  • Can I choose the delivery day?
    If it is VERY important to you that your delivery is made on a certain day, please let us know and we can book it in via our next day delivery service, which is available to most areas at £12 including VAT. This must be booked before 12pm the previous day.
  • If I don’t want to pay for a specified time, can you tell me what time my slabs will arrive?
    Unfortunately not. You receive the same information that we do once your load is put on the lorry (could be the morning run or the afternoon). We always put a request on the delivery notes for the driver to call ahead. You should also receive a two hour delivery window by email, from the haulier, on delivery day.
  • Can you guarantee that a 7.5/12t lorry will be available?
    No, we can't absolutely guarantee it, but we will do our best to ensure that the delivery depot near you has one, and that it’s available to do your delivery on the day you choose.
  • Why do your delivery charges vary so much?
    The cost per pallet varies depending on the delivery postcode, so we do a ‘pallet preparation and delivery’ quotation individually for every enquiry. A full pallet of 140 slabs (35m2) is the biggest, heaviest pallet we can have hand-unloaded by pump truck on the tail-lift lorries. That size weighs 980kgs, and must be unloaded onto tarmac or concrete, as the pump trucks’ little wheels won’t travel a mm on gravel or uneven ground with almost a tonne on them! CHECK OUT OUR PER PALLET DELIVERY CHARGES, BY POSTCODE, HERE The slabs are very heavy and therefore there are weight restrictions on pallet sizes that the lorry tail lifts can handle. Delivery costs are calculated by our shipping partners on a PER PALLET basis, not per delivery drop off, so bear this in mind when ordering: A 7.5 tonne lorry can only handle up to 25 sq metres per pallet (100 slabs per pallet/700kg) An 18 tonne lorry can only handle up to 35 sq metres per pallet (140 slabs per pallet/980kg)
  • Why don't you do "free" delivery
    There is no such thing as free delivery (unless you have a national fleet of HGVs and are happy to deliver our slabs for nothing for us all over the country every weekday of the year, in which case, yay, please get in touch, we absolutely love you already!!!) “Free delivery” means that the delivery cost is included in the cost of the item. We could do this, in fact it would make things a lot easier for us to have a flat rate for slabs delivered to anywhere in the country, but it would make the slabs more expensive for almost all our customers. At the moment delivery can be anything from about £60 to £200 depending on whereabouts you are (The Midlands, or The Shetlands, for example). If we tried to average this out but allow a buffer zone (so that we don’t end up doing deliveries at a loss, because we have no way of knowing where the majority of customers will need delivery to in the next year, it could be 5% in high cost zones, or 95%, or anything in between) then the overall cost per slab will be higher for almost everyone, only those in the highest delivery cost areas will benefit. We did a survey of our customers asking for input on this dilemma, and the vast majority of answers were to keep it as it is, as it’s fairer to everyone.
  • Is delivery available at the weekends?
    Yes, some depots will do delivery on a Saturday morning, this is £60 extra at cost, for the entire delivery (irrespective of the number of pallets) and we would need to check ahead of time to ensure that the depot which covers your area will do a Saturday delivery. Please email or call us if you would like us to do that.

Please allow any Animals / Livestock time to acclimatise to any changes in ground surfaces.  Once the slabs have been laid, we recommend filling the holes with sand or another water permeable material. For general use, but especially with all-season open stabling, we recommend a finishing layer of sand, as per the manufacturer's installation instructions.
Please be aware that if the ground is very waterlogged and where liquid mud is on the surface, the mud will come up through the holes in the slabs, this is normal. You will need to scrape this off the surface, the same is true of mud carried onto the surface by traffic. The slabs will still provide a solid platform and stop you sinking in the mud.
For overseas enquiries:  Canada, USA, Mexico, please visit or email  For all other countries please contact us for information.


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Looking for Mudcontrol slab installation instructions? Click HERE

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